G for GLamour

2013年10月7日 星期一

☆品味☆ 在法國的花園裡喝茶~ Florté美到不行的花茶^o^ (+ Eng Version)

小時候常羨慕在Alice In Wonderland的愛麗斯可以有兔子和小動物陪著,在美麗的花園去喝茶有很精緻又美味的甜點而茶壺中的一定一定是我最愛的rose tea!

 (Pic from the web)


不過我留意到K11開了一間很有法式花園感覺的花果茶店 Florté ~ 單是在門口看也覺得美而且進去有陣陣的花果茶香味。我在這和好客的老闆 Marc A. Dambrines, 邊品茶一邊談這裡的花茶。

配合法國人老闆Marc~ 這篇特別附上簡單的英文翻譯吧初次用英文寫blog有不足就請多多包涵吧^ ^

When I was a little girl, I always wanted to be Alice in "Alice in Wonderland", having tea with the Rabbit and other animals in that beautiful garden. In that little world of mine, the Tea Party was full of sweets and cupcakes, and the tea pot must always be filled with my beloved rose tea!

Unfortunately, flower tea was never very popular in Hong Kong. Not too many places offer good selections of flower tea, perhaps only in supermarkets that do not allow us to taste before our purchase. We always need to guess the quality from the packaging!

Until recently, I came across a “garden” called Florté that was opened in K11 Mall. It offers tea-tasting for their clients and it was quite an experience! 

Florté這個品牌好像在哪裡見過Citisuper! 因為打好基礎了今年七月Marc就在這裡開了一間實體店~ Florté JARDIN DES THES~ 概念就是 “Flower” 加上 “Tea”, 還要是夏天的花園。於2002年在香港由Marc創立,他覺得香港人的飲茶文化缺少了花果茶這一環而且沒有一個可以讓客人可以看到、嗅到和嚐到花茶的店子,於是成立了這個brand

Florté’s Tea was used to be sold in supermarkets like Citisuper originally, their first flagship store was only opened in July 2013. Florté Jardin des Thés is the French term for "Teas Gardens", the tea brand was created in 2002 in Hong Kong by Mr. Marc A. Dambrines. Florté offers a true purchasing experience through seeing, touching, smelling and tasting the whole leaves.




The Shop is decorated beautifully with boxes and jars of flower tea leaves. We can smell the scent of flower tea just by picking up the glass covers displayed in the middle of the shop.

Marc said all the ingredients of their flower tea are imported from France but are manufactured in Hong Kong. Disadvantage and seniors are employed to pick the best quality flower buds in their workshop in Wanchai.

In his free time, Marc loves mixing different ingredients to create new and unique blends and that is the reason for which a large variety of flavours is always available in Florté.







Look at the adorable flower art on the packages, all of them are uniquely created by designers. I'm especially interested in rose tea. You can see each of the rose buds is still in pinky red and they looked very fresh when closely examined. It also smells perfect like natural blossom.

I've tried some of the blends, each of them have special health and beauty benefits. I like the pomegranate tea most when mixed with honey.

這裡還有賣混入水果的蜜糖,而且還可以和花茶和附上用來盛茶的tea ball合成一個禮盒送人。

We can also get fruit honey and a variety of gift boxes in Florté for gift idea.

很喜歡這裡的tea tasting experience,單是在「花園」裡逛就很relax,而且店員會向你推介適合口味的花果茶,試過夠才買,不買也很有笑容,這樣輕鬆自在才是喝花茶的心情吧!


I really love the relaxing tea tasting experience here in the Florté Garden. A sip of flower tea here would definitely make your day!

Florté Jardin des Thés

B1, K11 Art Mall, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui.

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